Monday, January 27, 2014

One Little Word 2014

During the first couple weeks of January, I did a lot of thinking about what I want from 2014. Things I want to accomplish, goals I plan to achieve, places I want to go. But most of all I thought about the person I want to be. While I was pondering these thoughts, there was a single word that kept popping into my head. This is usually how it goes. My word comes organically, without effort.

But this year I fought it. I thought it was too small. I thought it was too simple, too mundane. I couldn't possibly use this insignificant word to motivate me for a whole year.

But my word persisted, insisted that I hear it.

Finally I listened.

I am often always my own worst critic. I'm never good enough, nothing I do is ever perfect enough to meet my own standards. Because of this, I hide. I don't want others to see how much I fall short. The actress in me takes over, and I become who I think people want me to be in the moment. Few people ever get to see the real me.

To be honest, it's exhausting...and I only end up judging myself all the more for not having the courage to just be myself.

So my one little word for 2014 is "real." It is my hope that this small word will motivate me and remind me to...

be real, my real self, however silly or imperfect

to get real when it comes to my own expectations for myself

and to focus on what is real and not the lies I tell myself.

The very day I accepted "real" as my OLW, this quote showed up in my Pinterest feed. It could not have been more a more perfect reminder that so much of my focus is stolen by things that are not real. The fears that too often dominate my thoughts are not real. The standards of perfection that I set for myself are not real. And if I can just let go of them, I can set myself free.

Earlier today I sat down with my inks, watercolors, brushes, and pens, and I had some fun just writing my OLW over and over. I have been so inspired by all of the handwriting examples floating around the internet lately (mostly in preparation for this class). I'll be hanging a couple of these in my studio to remind me and to inspire me to be real.

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