Monday, June 27, 2016

Week In The Life 2016, Part 3

Guys, I finally have some real progress to show you! Day 1 is complete! It took me forever to figure out the best way to deal with the awkward pocket sizes in this album, but once I decided what I liked best, it came together in a snap.

I'm really loving this album so far. I'm so glad I took them time to do this project! Thank you, Ali Edwards, for the inspiration and motivation to do this!

If you missed the first two videos, you can find them here and here.

The font I mentioned is Amatic, and it's available here. The two Ali Edwards digital files I used are Handdrawn Days brush file and The Story of Today digital cards.

I'll be back later this week with lots of pics as well as a video walk-through of the finished album, so stay tuned!

Thursday, June 23, 2016

Week In The Life 2016, Part 2

Today's video will walk you through how I decided to structure my album, as well as how I handled my photo sizing/printing and journaling.

If you missed the first video, you can find it here.

The two Ali Edwards digital files I used are Handdrawn Days and The Story of Today 3x4 Cards.

I hope you all enjoyed seeing my process. Check back next week for the third video of the series!

Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Week In The Life 2016

This year I finally decided to join Ali Edwards in doing a Week In The Life album, and I am so excited to be sharing this project with you guys!

Since I was out of town during the week that Ali chose for her WITL album, I chose to document the week of May 15th through the 21st instead. I also made the very difficult decision not to purchase the WITL kit. I really loved everything about the kit that Ali put together for this year, but ultimately, I couldn't justify purchasing more supplies when my stash is already overflowing.

So today I have a video for you that walks you through the supplies I've chosen and the first steps I've taken towards putting the album together.

I hope you were able to find some inspiration in my rambling. :) Stay tuned for more videos as I continue to work on my Week In The Life 2016 album!